Interested in joining The Chamber?
We'd love to have you be a part of our growing network of merchant and resident members!
Learn more about how to join below:
What Membership Dues Cover:
Electricity for Street Lights & Parking Lots within the Business District (Walnut St., S. Aiken St., Ellsworth Ave. & S. Highland Ave.)
Maintaining Parklet, including Snow Removal
Permitting for Events
Holiday Decor
Funding for Coordinator Position
Business District Updates and Information via monthly Newsletter and E-mail Blasts
Discounted Sidewalk Sale Participant Rate
Connection to a strong network of professionals and businesses
Listing and a link to your site on thinkshadyside.com
Monthly related news submissions to our eNewsletter
Listing in next edition of the UPMC Shop Shadyside pass
Promotion on our social media
Option to serve on Chamber Sub-Committees
Member rates to participate in Annual Sidewalk Sale, Holiday decor for Walnut and Ellsworth and more
Invitations to Meet & Greet with Officials of City Council
Invitation to Chamber Mixers
Membership dues are based on number of employees. Each level receives the same benefits of promotion, connection and support.
Resident (Resident, Retired, Government Official): $100
Non-Profit: $150
0-5 Employees: $300
6-10 Employees: $400
11+ Employees: $500
Landlord Pricing
(1) building: $200
(2) buildings: $400
(3) buildings: $550
Become a member by creating your account on JoinIt and completing a safe, online payment via Stripe. In the case that digital payment is not available, check payment
may also be mailed to the chamber office.
Mailing Address:
5428 Walnut Street
Mailbox # 101
Pittsburgh, PA 15232